Vi segnalo un articolo molto interessante sulla costruzione della pagaia groenlandese, attualmente pubblicato su Sea Kayaking dot Net ( . Come sapete sono un accanito sostenitore delle pagaie Avatak, e non penso di cimentarmi, quantomeno in un prossimo futuro, nella costruzione di una pagaia groenlandese; ho comunque trovato l'articolo molto interessante; sia per la dovizia di particolari che per l'abbondanza di foto. A mio parere il miglior brano del genere mai apparso in rete.
I would like to report a very interesting post on Sea Kayaking dot Net ( ) about the construction of a greenland paddle. The blog itself is always very interesting, but i think this article is really a masterpiece. As many of you know i'm a great fan of Avatak paddles, and i don't think i will try to build a paddle for myself in a near future. The post however is the best article on the argument i have red so far.
3 commenti:
You would love the Greenland style paddle. And so easy to make. Check out the various rolls and techniques on Alex's blog,
Hi Mauizio,
thanks for your reference to my posts on building a Greenland paddle.
I'm planning to include at a later date the specifications and more close-up pictures of Dee's jig so that others can duplicate it.
Thanks again!
Adam Bolonsky
Thank you to you Adam for your article and my best compliments for your blog! i like it very much and i use ti visit it regulary! ;-)
I will wait for your next article :-).
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